The Expressive Activity and the First Amendment track is designed for student conduct practitioners as well as members of campus protest response groups who wish to develop basic knowledge and skills to educate the campus community around expectations for behaviors associated with the First Amendment and adjudicate free expression disciplinary cases at American colleges. This track may be appropriate for professionals at all levels of student conduct and adjacent work.

As a result of participating in the Expressive Activity and the First Amendment track, participants will (including but not be limited to):

• Be exposed to First Amendment applications on a college campus as they relate to student behavior as well as understand the considerations between freedom of expression and academic freedom
• Learn promising practices as they relate to educating the campus community on behavioral expectations around the First Amendment
• Hear effective practices around the adjudication of prohibited expression disciplinary cases involving both individuals and organizations on public and private colleges, including sample policies, potential outcomes and sanctions
• Gain the ability to critically analyze institutional policies and effectively distinguish between constitutionally protected expression and conduct violations in alignment with their campus code of conduct
• Learn to craft appropriate outcomes and sanctions for free expression-related violations and implement a model educational conversation script to engage students in understanding the impact of their actions
• Consider challenges faced by presenters at their home institutions involving political pressures, arrests, and referrals of students for alleged violations of campus policies.
• Have the opportunity to engage in a safe and supportive environment with fellow student conduct professionals, fostering dialogue and addressing questions related to the adjudication of free expression disciplinary cases.

Track Team

Bios of team members can be found on our Meet the Gehring Team page.

Track Coordinator

Track Faculty