The Sorority & Fraternity Misconduct track is designed for campus-based conduct practitioners, sorority and fraternity headquarters staff, sorority and fraternity advisors, and organizational volunteers who wish to develop knowledge and skills related to navigating sorority and fraternity misconduct specifically and behavior change-focused accountability approaches. This track will address the entire accountability process starting from receipt of report through final outcome as well as legislative impacts such as the Stop Campus Hazing Act.

As a result of participating in the Sorority & Fraternity Misconduct track, participants will (including but not be limited to):

• Identify legislative impacts on sorority and fraternity misconduct such as FERPA, Stop Campus Hazing Act, etc.
• Distinguish individual accountability processes from group adjudication procedures
• Explore differences among the various types of sororities and fraternities (e.g., social, business, cultural-based, etc.)
• Discuss effective ways to evaluate credibility of misconduct allegation reports
• Discuss strategies for relationship building with campus and community partners supporting sororities and fraternities
• Explore investigative approaches for full-scale investigations and fact-finding meetings including identifying and using investigative teams, pre  investigation work, investigative strategies, and more
• Develop strategies for understanding and addressing root cause of group misconduct to inform outcomes (sanctions)
• Recognize the spectrum of hazing and approaches to hazing prevention/reduction practices
• Understand varying influences impacting organization behavior
• Identify resources for developing and reviewing policies and procedures for sorority and fraternity conduct

Track Team

Bios of team members can be found on our Meet the Gehring Team page.

Track Coordinator

Track Faculty